Go behind the scenes with seasoned online business pros to learn how leveraging multiple marketing strategies can increase your reach and convert more of your audience into buyers - with less guesswork, more insights, and total confidence in the direction your business is going in. 

a 4-day virtual event for digital product sellers ready to make more sales 

August 5-8, 2024

Successfully marketing your digital offers takes a whole lot more than finding trending sounds on TikTok and Instagram... 

Wouldn't it be nice if one strategy could solve 'em all? 

Everywhere you turn, someone is swearing that they have the ONE strategy or tactic that you NEED to succeed.

Some gurus swear it’s live video, while others swear live video is dead…
Others claim you have to be on Stories every day, while others claim the entire Instagram app is a waste of time…
While some are saying it’s webinar launches, while others swear webinars are going to leave you broke…
And you may even find other experts claiming that a bundle is the way to go, while others are saying that gets you freebie-seekers…

It’s enough to make even the most level-headed business owner want to scream…

But you’re smart - and you know that successful businesses aren’t built on a single strategy or tactic… No matter what they tell you.

And you’re also established enough to know that you’re not just one “plug-and-play” strategy away from achieving all of your wildest business dreams

Despite all the conflicting info out there about the best ways to market your business, you’re already getting a lot of things right:

  • You’ve Created at least one offer that you are downright obsessed with and just want to sell more of
  • You've built an audience that even though small - is quite mighty in potential 
  • And you've Started experimenting with different strategies and ideas. You're no stranger to trial-and-error! 

but even though you know single strategy solutions aren't cutting it, you're not sure what exactly needs to change to get your business where it needs to be.

Maybe right now you...

social media

Your launches and promotions have gone pretty quiet, and you’re not sure what to do differently to pick things up again… 


Your revenue has plateaued, and you’re wondering where the momentum you had went…


You’re ads have stopped converting, and you don’t want to throw more money at Zuck…

social media

You’re chasing “secret strategies” and “swipe-copy” because you don’t really understand your own customer journey…

There has got to be a better way...

You dream of finding a way to promote your offers that's doable with your hectic schedule, that actually works.


Have a clear unique-to-you marketing framework where you know what tactics to put into play and when to do what so it all fits together seamlessly

social media

Know exactly how to speak to your audience in all of your marketing channels, in away that speeds up the process of taking them from cold and unaware to hot and ready to buy

How would it feel to...

social media

Be positioned as a thought leader in your niche and build a community of raving fans that come back again and again

This is exactly what you'll be learning host o do at the strategies that stack summit!

Stacked Marketing Strategies that work together seamlessly to grow your digital product sales...

DURING Strategies that Stack Summit YOU’LL see first hand how leaders in the industry have stopped thinking about stand-alone tactics and instead focus on the big picture of how it all works together to create

Join us for the Strategies that Stack Summit, to learn from 21+ online biz pros how to leverage multiple marketing strategies to maximize results

Meet your host

Hey, I'm Victoria Boyd!

I'm a marketing enthusiast who's been learning and growing in this field since 2012, bolstered by my Bachelor's in Business Administration and a Master's in Internet Marketing. After leaving my 9-5 and starting my business in 2018, my early investments in courses and coaches didn't yield immediate returns. I soon realized that the key to success was to infuse my business with my personal touch and use my marketing expertise to build a Stacked Marketing Strategy rather than piecing together tactics from the courses I was learning.

Once I began using my professional skills for my own business, things started to take off.

Today, I help my clients craft unique marketing strategies to build their audience and convert them into paying customers, using the same principles that have brought success to my own business.

Strategies that Stack Summit was inspired by my passion for working with clients to create well rounded marketing strategies that work to their unique expertise.

Grab your ticket and join me and 20+ online business experts for a one-of-a-kind event that will help you find the right combination of tactics to create your Stacked Marketing Strategy that matches your unique brand and vision

I can’t wait to see you there!



When + Where

The Strategies that Stack Summit will run from Monday April 15 through Thursday April 18, with a variety of presentations to choose from each day. This event is entirely virtual, so you’ll be able to attend from anywhere in the world with internet access. 


Expert Sessions

Attend presentations from our lineup of 20+ speakers with trainings and case studies on how they're using Stacked Marketing Strategies to sell their digital products! Your free ticket gets you 24-hour access to each presentation during the week of the summit. 


Private Community

You’ll also have access to our private Facebook community of Digital Product Sellers like you who are already hanging out and working towards that eaaasssy recurring revenue through our marketing! This is where you’ll be able to connect with the speakers and other attendees before and during the event!



Chances to Win

Win prizes by showing up and participating throughout the summit! Be sure to keep an eye out for your BINGO card and come hang out with us in the community for additional chances to win prizes including courses, gift cards, and more! 


Keynote Presentation

Watching actionable presentations is great, but to see real change happen you'll have to take action. That's why on Thursday, I'll be teaching you how to consistently get more sales through small actionable marketing tasks for your coaching, services, and courses. 


VIP Upgrade

After registering, you’ll also have the chance to upgrade to the Strategies that Stack Bundle which includes ongoing access to the presentations after the summit wraps up, premium bonuses from our speakers, and more! You’ll get all the details (and a special offer) after grabbing your free ticket!

What you need is a higher level look at how all the things you’ve learned and invested in over the years, really work together.

You don’t need another summit teaching how to start a podcast or grow your Instagram… or any other single tactic that will only get you so far on it’s own.

Instead of covering generic advice on how to scale to 6-figures and beyond, this summit is about showing you how your favorite strategies and tactics can work together allowing you to…

  • Make more money on your own terms, instead of needing another client
  • Have marketing and a funnel working for you while you’re tucking in your little one for the night or planning your next big Italy getaway
  • Know exactly what to say and how to talk about your offers, so you can create content on the fly

but even though you know single strategy solutions aren't cutting it, you're not sure what exactly needs to change to get your business where it needs to be.

Meet the Experts

Each speaker and case study was hand selected for their unique marketing knowledge and experience.

Our case study speakers have generously agreed to let us take a look at their unique Stacked Marketing Strategy and presentations are a deep dive into a unique tactic that you may want to consider for your own products.

Amy Hardie

How I Systemise my Stacked Strategies Using Notion AI

CiCi Reagan

How to speak your dream clients' language 

Faith Lee

Growing Passive Income Through Automated Email Sequences

AnnMarie Rose

Collabs + High Impact Workshops To Consistently Sell Your Digital Products

Victoria Boyd

How to Sell in the DMs 

Felly Day

Building a sustainable omnipresence through repurposing

Caroline Hull

How to use your podcast to nurture and grow your membership and digital sales

Pam Covarrubias

Nervous system regulation as an entrepreneur and cycle syncing

Shannon Vonderach

Case Study: How Email Changed her Business

Aria Leighty

The Art of Intentional Networking

Elli Runkles

The Power of Journaling to Make Sure Your Stacking the Right Strategies FOR YOU.

Helena Osorio-Zavala

Stacking for Success: Maximizing Reach and Results with Multi-Campaign Strategies

Kerri Richardson

How to Clear the Mental Clutter Preventing You from Making Progress

Michelle Wilson

Ditching Freebies Leading to More Revenue + List Growth

Monica Monfre

Offer Flow Energized: Align Your Offer with Your Human Design

Shenee Howard

Steph Wharton

Speaking + Collab Stack that Generated $14k

Run Your Business Like A Fashion House 

Simone Little

How to Manage your Time and Energy to Avoid Burnout

Steph Blake

Case Study: Memberships, podcasting, and more!

Nadalie Bardo

Case Study: Pinterest, Summits, and More

As you can see from these amazing value-packed presentations, this is an event you do not want to miss!

With 99 different shiny strategies vying for your eye - which ones are actually worth your time? 

It's time to stop using someone else's swipe-copy and finally create your own unique marketing Strategy that Stacks.

Q: Who is the Strategies that Stack summit for?

If you’re an online entrepreneur selling a scalable digital product (course, membership, templates, group programs, etc), who is ready to get out of the weeds of chasing new strategies, this summit is for you.

This Summit is designed for people who are ready to stop hustling, chasing shiny objects, and being overwhelmed by all the things. It’s a summit for online business owners that are looking to SIMPLIFY their success while doubling down on what’s working for THEM and creating their own framework for success. 

Q: What will I learn at the Strategies that stack summit?

The Strategies that Stack summit is all about learning how to leverage multiple marketing tactics and methods so you can have bigger results, without chasing shiny tools or facing burnout. 

Q: How do I know whether this summit is right for me?

If you're curious about marketing, this event is for you! We'll be specifically talking to digital product sellers (meaning they sell courses, memberships, templates, or things of that nature) but anyone else who wants to get started with marketing and the online business space is welcome to join us! 

Q: What if I'm not able to attend live?

While most of the presentations for the summit are pre-recorded, there are some live elements, and the pre-recorded presentations are only available for 24 hours with your free ticket. So we encourage you to attend live if you can! We would love for you to set aside some time during the summit week to attend the live sessions, watch the pre-recorded presentations, and participate with others who are also scaling their digital products! 

Q: How long will i have access to the presentations? 

Your free ticket includes 24-hour access to each of the presentation. If you need more time, you can always upgrade your ticket to the All Access Pass after registering, which will give you extended access to the presentations along with premium bonuses from our speakers and more! 

Q: Will all the speakers get my email address?

No. When you register, you’ll be added to only the host's (Victoria Boyd) email list so we can send you updates for the event and links to each day’s presentations. After the summit is over, you’ll continue to hear from us, but you can unsubscribe at any time.

Each of the speakers will have free resources available that you can access by providing an email address, but the speakers will not get your email address unless you choose to give it to them specifically. That way, you only hear from the people you really love and don't have to worry about getting added to email lists that you're not interested in.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get Your Free Ticket!